Chrisette Michele sits down with the Breakfast Club and India Arie defends her?

Photo credit: The Washington Post

Photo credit: The Washington Post

Being associated with President Trump can really hurt your image and your pockets! Just minutes after it was announced that Jennifer Holliday MIGHT perform at the inauguration, it was already trending on Twitter and the response wasn't good. She later cancelled her performance.

Chrisette Michele took a different route after it was announced that she would perform. She immediately turned her phone off and...Did her performance as scheduled. 

Of course there was major backlash and Chrisette even said that some of her family disowned her. Now that the performance is behind her, now she's making her rounds to answer the question, "why"?

Check out her interview with the Breakfast Club below!

BUT WAIT! There's more! India Arie took to Twitter to post the following statement:

via India Arie's Twitter

via India Arie's Twitter

Read the full letter here