Kendrick Lamar is urgently working on his new album

via taken by Craig McDean

via taken by Craig McDean


Kendrick Lamar was recently featured in New York Times to discuss his artistry and why being an artist is so important now. The article was extremely revealing and filled with subtle hints on Kendrick's next project and what his fans can expect. 

Of course, the interview took place in the studio which confirms that Kendrick is actively working on his next album. As for the theme, Kendrick quickly shot down the possibility of this album echoing To Pimp a Butterfly: 


"To Pimp a Butterfly was addressing the problem. I’m in a space now where I’m not addressing the problem anymore...”


There is a word that Kendrick used to describe his new project. Urgent. In fact, his exact words were that this album is "very urgent." With everything that is going on in the world with politics and social unrest, the urgency can definitely be understood but what does it sound like? This was one of the most insightful questions interviewer, Wyatt Mason asked. 

I found it very interesting that instead of simply playing a track from the album, (since they were in the studio and a session was already up) Kendrick told Mason this:  


"This is what goes on in my mind as a writer. One day, I may have a little girl. And it’s a girl in particular — funny you said that. She’s gonna grow up. She’s gonna be a child I adore, I’m gonna always love her, but she’s gonna reach that one point where she’s gonna start experiencing things. And she’s gonna say things or do things that you may not condone, but it’s the reality of it and you know she was always gonna get to that place. And it’s disturbing. But you have to accept it. You have to accept it and you have to have your own solutions to figure out how to handle the action and take action for it.

“When I say ‘the little girl,’ it’s the analogy of accepting the moment when she grows up. We love women, we enjoy their company. At one point in time I may have a little girl who grows up and tells me about her engagements with a male figure — things that most men don’t want to hear. Learning to accept it, and not run away from it, that’s how I want this album to feel.


Sounds like something we can all look forward to.